Monday, April 16, 2007

Leading Noise Hitchhiker

On my way to the Nestled Pines Chalet to finalize the hot tub installation, I picked up a native American hitchhiker on I-70. He looked like a classic American Indian from a reservation. A big guy with two very long braided pigtails and few randomly missing teeth in the front due, I'm sure, to the poor conditions of life on an Indian Reservation. Here is a summary of what I found out about him while we rode together for about 20 miles:
  • He is from the Munsee Delaware tribe
  • he is hitchhiking from Miami back to Detroit, his home, because he split up with his girlfriend.
  • In Miami, he was mostly picked up by Spanish speaking people and they assumed he spoke Spanish too. He would just say to them "no Indio" to let them know he is "Indian".
  • he was working as a laborer for peanuts (around $7/hour).
  • I told him about how local community colleges can teach you Construction Trades and he could learn to be a plumber, HVAC, carpenter, etc... And I'm sure he could get financial aid.
  • His 'Indian Name' is Leading Noise. He's not sure why but maybe it was because he made a lot of noise when he came into the world.

Before I dropped him off at the I70/I-68 split I gave him a roll of Ritz crackers and couple of bucks to help him along his way with a reminder to check out the Community college when he gets back. He was appreciative and happy to see the I-68 split only 1/2 mile away and said he will check out the college courses.

I'll get back to the hot tub when I get more pictures ready.