Friday, December 05, 2008

Things to do list

I need to make a list of things to do. I'll just use this blog as a convenient place. It's not like anyone reads this anyway...:-)

SQL Server tasks: Allow mulitple rates for the Berkeley Springs Cottage Rentals Caculator based on time of year or holiday. 
  • Either add new fields to the Cottage table for Winter Rate and Summer Rate and Holiday rate
  • RateSummerWeekday, RateSummerWeekend, RateWinterWeekday, RateWinterWeekend, RateHoliday
  • or, create a new table that just contains rates and link it to the Cottage table
  • Rate_ID, RateType, RateAmount, CottageCode
  • RateType is a lookup code for type of rate (winter weekend, summer weekend, holiday, ...)
  • I'll have to create some way to figure out if  it is a holiday weekend.
Send mailing to the Morgan county landowners that live in MD, VA and DC.
Send a sample mailing to landowners that live in Morgan count to test response differences

Clean my desktop off. Get the Apprentice Desk Organizer from Staples. Clean and organize the home office.   

Go to Eastern shore and put up a For Sale By Owner sign at my Pocomoke City property. Also put up a For Rent sign.  Fix hole in Ceiling in middle bedroom in Pocomoke house.

Put up christmas lights in the mid size tree in front of my house in such a way as to simulate Palm tree branches. Maybe it will work better on the small willow tree.

Buy new set of pots and pans at Costco for Nestled Pines Chalet and deliver them to the house.

Buy and put up a Christmas tree.

Check oil on Celica (I know it must be low)

Wish List:
Get new fridge for NPC
Get new fridge and dishwasher for QO Condo
Get new windows for QO condo


Michelle said...

Hey, I still read this. I keep you on reader, so it's pretty easy. So, you're trying to sell Pocomoke, huh? How is the QO condo going?

Sr. Fab said...

I know u do. I've been trying to sell Pocomoke for 2 years. Rent/sell, it doesn't matter. It just can't sit doing nothing. Ron is still not working.

Fab said...

Hey, dad! What better way to keep a to do list than to let the world see it. Now people will keep asking you about it! :)

Here's a link talking about some functions the guy used to determine holidays in SQL. You might be able to use the info: